We’re all aware that children and adults are not the same. They have different needs, interests, and abilities. Also, kids scare more easily and have a harder time sitting still. So it only makes sense that their dentist would be different, too, right? Yes! But what makes a kid’s dentist different from other dentists? Here are five important qualities that set them apart:
They have specialized training in pediatric dentistry:
Pediatric dentistry is simply dentistry that focuses on the oral health of children. A pediatric dentist has to complete an additional two to three years of training after dental school in order to become certified. This extra training allows them to better understand the unique needs of growing teeth, gums, and jaws.
They understand how to handle children’s fear and anxiety:
It is obvious that most children are afraid of going to the dentist. They may have heard stories from other kids or seen pictures that make them scared. The best kid dentist Spearfish SD understands this fear and knows how to put children at ease. They will use kid-friendly language, avoid frightening procedures, and make the office a fun place to be.
They know how to keep kids entertained:
One of the best ways to keep a child’s attention is to entertain them. The best kid dentist Spearfish SD very well knows how to do this. They will have toys that will keep the child’s mind off of their dental procedure and make it a more pleasant experience. Moreover, some of the dentists also have TVs and other fun things in their offices to make the wait more bearable.
They are patient:
This one goes without saying. Kids can be fidgety, uncooperative, and outright stubborn. A good kid dentist is someone who is willing to take the time to work with a child and make sure they are comfortable. Plus, they understand that it may take a few extra visits to get a child to trust them.
They can provide gentle, pain-free care for children:
Child’ teeth are more delicate than adults’ teeth. They require special care in order to prevent damage. But don’t worry, A good kid dentist will use gentle, pain-free techniques that will protect your child’s teeth while still providing the best possible care.
So, if you’re looking for a dentist for your child, be sure to find one that has these five qualities. It will make all the difference in your child’s dental experience.