Every man dreams of a long and thick beard. Beard maintenance is essential for the good growth of the beard. You can get a thick beard if you keep your beard clean and avoid breakage or tangling of hair. There are many types of beard oil available in the market, but you can make beard oil at home. If you make beard oil at home, there will be no harm to your beard. DIY oils are completely natural, which does not cause any harm to the skin. In this article, we will learn about 5 ways to prepare beard oil at home.
1. Argan oil and lemon oil
- Argan oil and lemon oil can be mixed together to make a good beard oil.
- For this, you mix the oil, and put the oil in the dropper vial.
- Now shake the bottle well, by this both the oils will mix together.
- You should use a glass vial instead of plastic for this so that the oil does not spoil quickly.
2. Sunflower oil and eucalyptus oil
- You have to mix eucalyptus oil or eucalyptus oil and sunflower oil to make this beard oil.
- Eucalyptus oil has antibacterial properties, which removes the problem of burning or itching.
- To make this oil, mix two to three drops of both the oils in a vial.
- Now apply oil on the beard and leave it for 20 minutes, then wash the beard with water.
3. Coconut oil + Rosemary oil
- You can make beard oil by mixing coconut oil, rosemary oil and lemon oil.
- After shaving with lemon oil, the beard will remain strong and coconut oil will keep the beard soft.
- To make this oil, you have to mix rosemary and lemon oil in coconut oil.
- You have to apply this oil by massaging it well before going to sleep every day.
- After waking up in the morning, wash off the oil with water, you can apply this oil twice a week.
4. Tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil
- If you use beard oil made from tea tree oil, then there will be no problem of itching or infection in the beard.
- With this mixture, you have to massage the head well for 15 to 20 minutes.
- You can also use this beard oil daily, use plain water to remove it.
- You have to keep the water in a clean container or bottle.
- To make oil, mix eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil, you have to take three to four drops of both the oils.
5. Jojoba oil and almond oil
- You can use jojoba oil and almond oil to make beard oil.
- Mix almond oil and jojoba oil in a container, you have to take 2 to 3 drops of both.
- Mix this mixture and fill it in a container and massage it by applying it on the root of the beard, after that leave it for 15 minutes.
- After that you have to wash the face with water, you can also add orange juice to it.
- If you are making beard oil at home, then keep it in a clean vial or bottle. You should also protect beard oil from direct sunlight, it can spoil the oil.